Airport Area Chamber of Commerce

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In January 2022, the Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) awarded a total of 25 projects valued at approximately $172,940,359.

The largest single investment, a safety project, worth approximately $5 million, was awarded APAC-Atlantic, Inc. This safety project includes intersection improvements on US 84/SR 38 at old Sunbury Road in Liberty County. This contract represents 9 percent of the awarded funds.

The second largest contract includes a bridge construction of 0.369 mile of construction of a bridge and approaches on US 280/SR 27 over Kinchafoonee Creek in Webster County. The project is worth approximately $4 million. This contract, along with 9 other bridge construction projects, represents 53 percent, or approximately $30 million, of the awarded funds.

There was one construction project for a roundabout on US 80/SR 22 to Knoxville Road/CR 715 in Bibb County worth approximately $2 million and represents 4 percent of the awarded funds.

Resurfacing projects represent 26 percent, or approximately $15 million, of the awarded funds. Resurfacing includes milling, inlay, plant mix resurfacing and shoulder rehabilitation.

The remaining 8 percent is allotted for reconstruction projects at various locations throughout the state.

The January awards bring the total construction contracts for Fiscal Year 2022 to $771 million. This total includes TIA, Design-Bid-Build, and locally administered projects. Fiscal Year 2022 began July 1, 2021.

Award Announcement list (includes rejected and or deferred projects). Bids for Design-Bid-Build projects were received on January 21, and contracts were awarded to the lowest qualified bidders on February 4.

Supplemental Award Announcement (includes previously deferred projects that have now been let).

Information on schedules, lane closures and detours will be available in advance of construction activities taking place.

Contractors and consultants, including Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), registered small businesses and veteran-owned small businesses interested in bidding on projects or performing work must prequalify with Georgia DOT. To learn more, please visit


Article courtesy of Metro Atlanta CEO, published March 4, 2022.