Airport Area Chamber of Commerce

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Free Student Financial Education Class hosted by the Wings Financial Foundation

Saturday, September 15 from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Hyatt Place Atlanta Airport South

 The Wings Financial Foundation is committed to helping our members succeed. For our younger members ages 13-22, we are pleased to offer SOAR; free financial education classes designed to help them learn how to make smart financial choices.

 Wings members ages 13 – 22 can earn $100* for attending our SOAR financial education classes in Atlanta. (If students are not members, they can apply to become eligible)

 Topics include:

·         $tart $mart Checking

·         Web Wisdom

·         Credit & You

·         On My Own: The Costs of Life!

Students will need to attend this all-day session and score at least 70% on the post-test to receive a $100 reward* to their share account! *$100 deposit will be credited as interest to member’s Share account and may be taxable.

If you know of a student(s) that could benefit from this class, please forward this information onto them. SOAR is only offered in Atlanta once per year and the class fills up quickly!

If you are not a member please join  online at or visit our branch at 1897 Sullivan Rd College Park, GA 30337

Students must register at