The General Assembly met Monday through Friday, completing, Days 36 through 40. Friday, June 26, marked Sine Die, the end of the General Assembly’s 2020 Legislative Session.
HB 793 the 2020-2021 fiscal year budget passed the full Senate on Friday, June 19, and was amended to reflect 10% budget cuts. The conferee committee report, which can be found here, was adopted Friday, June 26, and now awaits action by the Governor. The budget included $550,000 for Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District. Thank you to RBC members who reached out to their legislators to request funding for the Water Planning District.
Business & Industry:
SB 359 sponsored by Senator Chuck Hufstetler (R- Rome), the Safe Harbor Act, serves to protect business and citizens from liability from injuries or illness resulting from COVID-19. On Friday, June 26, SB 359 passed by substitute. The bill now awaits action by the Governor.
HB 426 sponsored by Representative Chuck Efstration (R- Dacula), intends to revise the criteria for imposition of punishment for crimes involving bias or prejudice. On Tuesday, June 23, the House agreed to the Senate substitute on HB 426. The bill was signed by Governor Kemp, Friday, June 26, at the Georgia State Capitol during a press conference with Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan and Speaker of the House David Ralston. The press conference can be seen here.
HB 879 sponsored by Representative Brett Harrell (R-Snellville), allows for the home delivery of alcohol sales. The bill passed out of the Senate by substitute on Tuesday, June 23. On Thursday, June 25, the House agreed to the Senate substitute. The bill now awaits action by the Governor.
HB 914 sponsored by Representative Heath Clark (R-Warner Robbins), would provide for military spouses licensed in other states to practice certain professions and occupations to obtain a license by endorsement to practice in the state of Georgia. The bill passed the House and the Senate and now awaits action by the Governor.
HB 1039 sponsored by Representative Sam Watson (R-Moultrie), prevents companies from automatically renewing customer contracts for periods longer than 24 months. The bill passed the Senate as amended and was immediately transmitted to the House, where it was unanimously agreed to by the House. The bill now awaits action by the Governor.
Economic Development:
HB 1035 sponsored by Representative Chuck Martin (R- Alpharetta), was changed by a committee substitute in Senate Finance Committee to eliminate a number of tax exemptions. On Thursday, June 25, the Senate tabled HB 1035. The bill DID NOT PASS.
HB 1037 sponsored by Representative Matt Dollar (R-Marietta), updates the Georgia Entertainment Industry Investment Act. The bill passed out of the Senate on Thursday, June 25, and now awaits action by the Governor.
HB 105 sponsored by Representative Sam Watson (R-Moultrie), the hurricane Michael disaster relief bill, was amended in the Senate to include provisions that reduce taxes on rideshare companies and direct such dollars collected to transportation-related expenses. The Senate agreed to the House substitute as amended. The bill now awaits actions by the Governor.
HR 935 sponsored by Representative Kevin Tanner (R-Dawsonville) and Senator Brandon Beach (R- Alpharetta), would extend the Georgia Commission on Freight Logistics. HR 935 passed the Senate on June 15.
The Regional Business Coalition of Metropolitan Atlanta (RBC) is an organization of over a dozen of the largest and most active Chambers of Commerce throughout the metro Atlanta region. RBC member chambers represent over 15,000 member companies who employ millions of metro Atlanta residents. The RBC’s primary goal is to represent the interests of RBC Chamber members on regional public policy issues impacting our transportation, water, and air quality and to advocate for solutions that improve metro Atlanta’s quality of life and economic vitality.