Airport Area Chamber of Commerce

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2019 Legislative Update

The Georgia General Assembly adjourned on Wednesday, March 13, after completing the 31st legislative day.  The House and Senate are in session three days this week but most of the time is being spent in committee meetings to hold hearings on bills that crossed over.

Last week the House passed the following bills that met the cross-over deadline:

HB 239, establishing and defining the new Georgia Business Courts by 156-8.  The bill awaits action in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

HB 324, allows for the production, manufacturing, and dispensing of low THC oil passed 123-40.  The bill awaits action in the Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee.

HB 447, relating to extending the sunset on the sales tax exemption on jet fuel from 2019 to 2039, passed 162-0.  The bill awaits action in the Senate Finance Committee.

HB 511, providing a state entity for the planning and implementation of mobility and transit services and creating the Department of Mobility and Innovation, passed 159-11.  The bill awaits action in the Senate Transportation Committee.

The Senate passed the following bills that met the crossover deadline:

SB 2, enabling Georgia’s EMCs to provide internet services and broadband to their customers directly or indirectly through a broadband affiliate, passed 53-1.  The bill awaits action in the House Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Committee.

SB 108, requiring all public high schools to offer a course in computer science by the 2024-2025 school year, passed 51-1.  The bill awaits action in the House Education Committee.

SB 110, establishing and defining the new Georgia Business Court, passed 52-2. The bill awaits action in the House Judiciary Committee.

SB 131 by Senator Burt Jones creates the Georgia Major Airport Authority.  The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 34-22 and was assigned to the House Rules Committee where it awaits further action.

The Regional Business Coalition of Metropolitan Atlanta (RBC) is an organization of over a dozen of the largest and most active Chambers of Commerce throughout the metro Atlanta region.  RBC member chambers represent over 15,000 member companies who employ millions of metro Atlanta residents.  The RBC’s primary goal is to represent the interests of RBC Chamber members on regional public policy issues impacting our transportation, water and air quality and to advocate for solutions that improve metro Atlanta’s quality of life and economic vitality.