Airport Area Chamber of Commerce

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2018 Legislative Update

Week 5 – February 9, 2018

Legislative Days 15-18

The Georgia Assembly completed day 18 of its 40 day session on Thursday.  The pace of legislation has certainly quickened as we are nearing “cross-over day,” which will be on day 28 of the session, instead of the usual day 30.  The Legislature is in recess today and will reconvene on Monday, February 12 at 10:00 a.m.

The legislature will be in for four days next week from Monday, February 12 through Thursday, February 15 for legislative days 19 – 22.  We will be out of session next Friday, February 16, then return to session on Tuesday, February 20 for legislative day 23.  You can review the full legislative calendar for the remainder of the 2018 session here.

The house completed its work on the FY18 Supplemental Budget, and the Senate is expected to finish its version shortly.  A Conference Committee will then be appointed to iron out any differences.  The focus will then shift to the FY19 budget.

At a press conference this week, Governor Deal announced that he will consider legislation designed to transfer the windfall the state is expected to reap (as a result of the tax reform enacted at the federal level) back to the citizens of Georgia.   You can review the Governor’s press release regarding changes to the tax code here.

Committees & Bills of Interest


Senator Brandon Beach introduced SB 386 on Monday, February 5.  The bill would create an optional T-SPLOST for transit and creates the Atlanta-region Transit Link (ATL) Commission.  The bill was assigned to the Transportation Committee and is scheduled for a hearing on Monday, February 12 at 2:00 pm.  An analysis of SB 386 is attached.

Representative Kevin Tanner will hold a press conference on Monday, February 12.  We expect him to announce the introduction of his transit legislation.

Regulated Industries & Utilities

Senator Steve Gooch introduced SB 402 the “Achieving Connectivity Everywhere (ACE) Act” on Wednesday, February 7.  The bill would provide for broadband services planning, deployment, and incentives.  The bill was assigned to the Senate Regulated Industries Committee.


This week, GeorgiaLink hosted the Senate Rules Committee Dinner and sponsored the Zell Miller Legacy Dinner, which honored Speaker David Ralston.

The Regional Business Coalition (RBC) held its annual day at the Capitol on Tuesday, February 6.  Members of the RBC heard from Senator Brandon Beach, Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee; Senator Tyler Harper, Chair of the Senate Natural Resources & Environment Committee; Representative Kevin Tanner, Chair of the House Transportation Committee; and Representative Lynn Smith, Chair of the House Natural Resources & Environment Committee.

As you review your legislative tracking page, please feel free to give us a call with any questions.  The username is RBC and the password is dw2015.  For detailed information on specific legislation, visit the General Assembly’s website here.

The Regional Business Coalition of Metropolitan Atlanta (RBC) is an organization of over a dozen of the largest and most active Chambers of Commerce throughout the metro Atlanta region.  RBC member chambers represent over 15,000 member companies who employ millions of metro Atlanta residents.  The RBC’s primary goal is to represent the interests of RBC Chamber members on regional public policy issues impacting our transportation, water and air quality and to advocate for solutions that improve metro Atlanta’s quality of life and economic vitality.